Hockey Victoria announced the cancellation of the 2020 Melbourne metropolitan winter hockey competitions on the 10th July, a devastating blow for all of us as players, officials, coaches and supporters at Waverley Hockey Club.
Inevitably, some members have enquired about fee refunds given competitive matches against other clubs will no longer take place. At this stage, there are still a number of unknown financial factors that the Club Treasurer, Mrudula Rao, and the Executive Committee are working through to fully understand the financial position in order to make the appropriate assessment on the amount of refund available. One key component is the fees Hockey Victoria will refund from the initially announced team entry and affiliation costs. Per the information in the below link, we are not expecting an outcome from Hockey Victoria until early August.
Hockey Victoria announcement on fee refunds to clubs and players.
Based on the above, we anticipate announcing the final fee rates for each membership category and the applicable refund amounts in early to mid-August and will discuss the process to provide your details to obtain the refund at that time.
What we can highlight now is that the Club has continued to incur significant costs in preparation for the 2020 season, fixed costs that occur regardless of action on the field and we have lost significant revenue from the canteen being closed and lower sponsorship. These factors, combined with the fact we are a Club that is owned by all of us as members, will result in some fees being charged for the 2020 season to ensure we remain financially secure into 2021.
One area that has greatly assisted the club and will help to limit the impact on refunds is the generous support from approximately 100 members who have contributed over $15,000 in donations to the club and we thank you for your generosity. We will also be creating an option for all members due a refund on their fees to donate the refund to the Club through the Australian Sports Foundation. Information on the potential tax deductibility of that donation will be provided when the refund process is announced.
Financial hardship
If you are currently enduring financial hardship and urgently need a refund of 2020 fees paid in advance – please contact:
- Club President, Drew Ashton – president@waverleyhc.org.au
- Club Treasurer, Mrudula Rao – treasurer@waverleyhc.org.au
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the following executive committee members:
Juniors: Nikki Gerling – juniors@waverleyhc.org.au
Women’s: Ally Rake-Bolt – president-women@waverleyhc.org.au
Men’s: Geoff Greaves – president-men@waverleyhc.org.au
Masters: Alan Ballard – masters@waverleyhc.org.au
President: Drew Ashton – president@waverleyhc.org.au
Treasurer: Mrudula Rao – treasurer@waverleyhc.org.au