Waverley Hockey Club is proud to announce that we are the successful recipients of a Community Activation Grant from the Victorian State Government to showcase and celebrate Women & Girls in sport. Through this grant Waverley will be running the “Women Hitting It uP (W.H.I.P.) in Hockey” program where women and girls are encouraged and supported to ‘hit it up’ on and off the field.
Through this grant we will be running a series of 10 FREE Women’s & Girl’s only educational & networking seminars, off the success of our Q&A panel earlier this year. In addition we will also be running a FREE 10 week social hockey program in 2020 where friends & family and women from the community are encouraged to come down to Waverley for a hit.
New to hockey and unsure if you’re wanting to commit to buying new gear? No worries! We have sticks/shin-pads/mouth-guards that can be lent out to women who come down for our programs – tell all your sisters/mum’s/aunties/grandma’s – Waverley is the place to build your hockey and personal/professional skills in 2019-2020.
PUT IT IN YOUR DIARIES – our W.H.I.P. program is set for LAUNCH on October 19th, 2019 with a fantastic event planned.
Waverley Hockey Club’s W.H.I.P. in Hockey program is supported by Change Our Game, an initiative of the Victorian Government.
Please visit http://changeourgame.vic.gov.au/ for more information.