The 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Waverley Hockey Club Incorporated will be held at The Bob Trewin Pavilion, corner Winbirra Parade and High Street Roads, Ashwood, on Wednesday 26th November, 2014 at 7.00pm.
The Agenda and Nomination Forms for committee positions can be accessed on-line below and have been emailed to all current club members’ registered email addresses. If you wish to nominate yourself for a position on the committee or add an item to General Business, please address your correspondence by close of business, 19th November to:
Waverley Hockey Club Secretary
PO BOX 2069
Mount Waverley 3149
Email: christinebrown12@hotmail.com
The Executive Committee of Waverley Hockey Club encourages all members to attend and participate at this AGM. Your ideas, contribution and vote will play an important part in choosing and assisting the Executive Committee.
Refreshments will be provided and drinks will be available at the bar at a discounted price.