Waverley Hockey Club is a volunteer organisation and without members playing a role we could not survive. We have a number of roles that we require we need to fill in 2020 many of which require no hockey knowledge and can be done without attending the club regularly (eg can be done via email and other means).
This role is critical to the operation of the club and presents a great opportunity to gain important volunteer experience working directly with a senior Melbourne finance professional. Find out more – Treasurer position description
Marketing & Sponsorships
Leads the efforts to engage with prospective sponsors and actively work with ongoing sponsors to deliver benefits to both the club and its sponsors. The committee is open to exploring a profit share arrangement with a motivated candidate. Find out more – Marketing & sponsorship position description
We’re still seeking coaches for all club units and up to 80% fee relief is available.
Register your interest – Juniors coaching roles
Register your interest – Womens coaching roles
Register your interest – Mens coaching roles