Uniform Description:
Club Colours Navy Blue & White
Men Navy shirt and shorts with white trim and navy socks
Women Navy singlet and skirt with white trim and navy socks
Clash White shirt, navy shorts/skirt and light blue socks
Ordering Information:
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Tuesday 6-7pm
Thursday 6-7pm
Saturday 12.30 – 1.30pm
Uniform Orders via email
The Order Form can be downloaded here – WHC uniform order form. This can be completed and left at the Canteen OR you can email this to uniform@waverleyhc.org.au
Pick Up
All orders received before cob Wednesday will be available for pick up from the Canteen from the following Friday onwards. Payment can be made at pick up.
Mail Orders
You can also choose to have your order mailed to your home address (please make sure you supply details on your form). All orders must be prepaid by providing Credit Card details on the form. Payment must include a $10 P&H fee.
Please email your enquiries to uniform@waverleyhc.org.au