Dear Life Members, Past Presidents, and key Supporters of our Club,
Earlier this week we held the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Thank you to those who joined in person or via zoom. It was the first meeting we have ever used a combination or online and in room attendance (it’s the year for firsts!) and apart from a few technical issues impacting the sound during the volunteer awards section it appeared to go quite smoothly.
2020 Volunteer Awards
Despite the 2020 season being cancelled, the responsibilities and workload for many of our dedicated volunteers was even higher than usual seasons to due COVID. Continuing the theme of firsts, we conducted virtual award ceremonies and captured them in this short video.
Thank you these award winners and to all our volunteers, without you the +400 members of the Waverley Hockey Club would not be able to take the field.
Life Member Awards
At the 2019 AGM a change to the Constitution was ratified allowing the addition of the ability to award Life Membership retrospectively to a maximum of one person per year as follows:
- “If it can be shown that members met the criteria during a year in which no life membership was previously awarded and should be considered for life membership in retrospect this may be proposed to the members for consideration at the next Annual General Meeting (or Special General Meeting) of the Club.
- Only one such nomination may be made in any one year. Up to two life members may be elected at an Annual General Meeting (or Special General Meeting); one for that current calendar year and one under the retrospective category as noted above.”
Following this change in I am pleased to announce that two Life Members were ratified by the 2020 AGM.
Bruce Morley
Bruce Morley was awarded life membership in retrospect for the year 1991. Bruce and family members joined the AGM in the Club Rooms and he received his plaque in person. Bruce’s achievements are many but the highlights noted at the AGM include:
- Club President 1978/79 to 1982/83
- Men’s President 1988
- Playing and Social member for many years
- Coach and Manager of numerous Junior and Senior teams
- Involvement in running Indoor teams, getting more kids involved in indoor and also the annual trip to WA to sister club for indoor
- The recruitment of John Mowat to Waverley as Club Coach and the Club’s first two State League One Premierships in 1981 and 1983
- Planning & negotiation with the Monash City Council and fund raising to support the various upgrades of Electra Ave and the Winbirra Parade
- As well as roles with the Victorian Hockey Association and Australian Hockey association
Brian Maddock
And the second Life Member was Brian Maddock for the year 2020. Unfortunately, Brian could not be at the meeting in person, as he was in hospital following an operation, but with the power of technology he joined the meeting virtually with his wife Bronwyn Maddock and son Riley Maddock presenting his plaque. Brian’s achievements outlined at the AGM include:
- Started playing for the club in 1973 and has been playing ever since
- First record of volunteering is as canteen manager in 1982 and Brian has been volunteering ever since including:
- Canteen Manager at Electra and Winbirra Ave
- Social convenor and Presentation night co-ordinator;
- Mens Unit Secretary
- Junior indoor co-ordinator
- WHC photography & FB posts
- Hotshots team manager & Hotshots selector
- WHC 50th Anniversary organiser along with his wife Bronnie
- Historical Committee member
- 10 years + of Junior team coaching
- 5 years + as a Team manager across senior and Junior units
- 10 years + as an umpire
- It’s not surprising he received the Founders award in 1984
- Brian is the ultimate example of life long support for our Club.
Please join with me in congratulating Bruce and Brian.
2021 Executive Committee
The 2021 Executive Committee was appointed at the AGM with positions filled as per below:
- Club President: Nikki Gerling
- Secretary: Emma Wong
- Treasurer: Mrudula Rao
- Vice-President Men’s Unit: Geoff Greaves
- Vice-President Women’s Unit: Ally Rake-Bolt
- Vice-President Junior Unit: Vacant
- Vice-President Masters: Mark Adams
- Vice-President Diversity & Inclusion: Diana Hansen
- Vice-President Communications & Systems: Richard Steers
- Vice-President Operations: Vacant
2021 Life Member, VIPs and Key Supporters Function
Bronwyn Maddock has already started planning 2021 events for the Club including the previously postponed (due to COVID) 60th Anniversary of the Waverley Hockey Club, so stay tuned for the opportunity to get together with friends old and new!