Firstly it’s been fantastic to finally see members on the pitch training in recent weeks! We hope that you have had the opportunity to participate and experience some sense of normalcy.
The 2020 winter season is commencing in a couple of weeks and whilst we apologize for the length of this post, there’s a considerable amount to cover. Please take the time to thoroughly read the full post below regarding the season, fees, and registration.
2020 Winter Fixture
The belated season is nearly upon us with all competitions commencing in July despite the recent Northern suburb lockdowns. The 2020 winter season will progress as a modified 3 month season from mid to late July through to late October including finals (Hockey Victoria season announcement).
This will result in junior players participating in nearly 90% of normal season matches and senior players participating in between 70% – 75% of matches.
2020 Winter Fees
This year has obviously created a number of challenges across the community and the Waverley Hockey Club has not been immune to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The club will make a loss in 2020 regardless of the fee structure due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The major factors the Executive Committee considered when revising the 2020 rates were:
- Significant loss of income, particularly across the canteen, bar, and ground hire to schools
- The generous donations received from over 70 members, past players, life members and supporters of Waverley – a big thank you to all of the donors
- Fixed costs that continued during the pandemic
- Costs associated with pre-season training and other activities that were incurred prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic
- The costs of replacing the synthetic turf at the car park end of the ground
- Ensuring we maintain a financial position that guarantees the Club’s survival in the event there are further financial implications from the COVID-19 pandemic
Therefore the Executive has decided to provide a discount of 10% of fees for junior players and 15% of fees for senior players.
Note that this discount excludes term based fees for programs such as Hookin2Hockey / Panthers / Stick2Hockey and Juniors playing seniors fees which are already heavily discounted.
In the event that 2020 financial outcomes are better than currently expected, the Club will look to pass on these benefits next year.
Hockey Victoria fees
Hockey Victoria has also stated that they will be providing a discount on the fee that they collect from each player and they will provide further information on this discount.
Further season changes
We understand that with recent developments in Victoria that some members are still uncertain about the 2020 and concerned about the possibility of cancelation of the season. In the event that there is a substantial change to the 3 month season, the Executive Committee will redraft fees again and apply credit towards the 2021 season fees.
Unfortunately, the process to claim this discount will be somewhat manual via a redemption rather than an upfront discount due to:
- Many members have already paid their fees and the administrative burden and risk of error were deemed too great to adjust the process midway through the year.
- The Revolutionise system that HV implemented in 2020 already has over 50 fee options which we cannot delete. If we were to provide the discount up-front, we would have over 100 options and we believe this would lead to significant further confusion.
Players that HAVE NOT registered
The process is as follows:
- Visit Registration Site
- Click the Register button [not Renew as the system is new all members are “registering as a new member]
- Input your personal details & select the relevant Registration Type
- Complete the registration form and Hockey Australia + Hockey Victoria payment
- Visit Request for Refund/Fees Discount form
- Complete the form in order to have your invoiced fee’s revised
Players that HAVE registered but NOT paid
- Visit Request for Refund/Fees Discount form
- Complete the form in order to have your invoiced fee’s revised
Players HAVE registered & paid
- Visit Request for Refund/Fees Discount form
- Complete the form in order to request a refund
Financial hardship
Waverley will continue to provide assistance in addition to the above discounts to members who find themselves in financial hardship. We appreciate the COVID-19 pandemic has placed financial stress on many people in our community and encourage you to contact either the following club representatives if you would like to discuss further:
- Club President, Drew Ashton – president@waverleyhc.org.au
- Club Treasurer, Mrudula Rao – treasurer@waverleyhc.org.au
Please contact one of the following people if you have any questions:
Juniors: Nikki Gerling – juniors@waverleyhc.org.au
Women’s: Ally Rake-Bolt – president-women@waverleyhc.org.au
Men’s: Geoff Greaves – president-men@waverleyhc.org.au
Masters: Alan Ballard – masters@waverleyhc.org.au
President: Drew Ashton – president@waverleyhc.org.au
Treasurer: Mrudula Rao – treasurer@waverleyhc.org.au