Waverley Hockey Club wishes to acknowledge the recent awarding of MEDAL (OAM) OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA IN THE GENERAL DIVISION to former club president Mr Bruce MORLEY, for service to the community through a range of organisations.
Listed below is a summary of Bruce’s outstanding contributions:
The Queen Elizabeth Centre
- President, 2003-2009.
- Chair, Research Trust Fund, since 2015.
- Trustee, 2012-2015.
- Board Member, 1999-2009.
- Life Governor, 2010.
- Director, Probus South Pacific, since 2019.
- President, Mount Waverley Probus Club, current.
- Vice President, Mount Waverley Probus Club, 2006-2008.
Waverley Hockey Club
- President, 1978-1983.
- Former Coach.
- Life Member, 2020.
Hockey – Other
- President, Victorian Hockey Association, 1984-1989.
- Board Member, Australian Hockey Association, 1990-1994.
Victoria University
- Member/Involved with various Faculty Dean’s Advisory Boards and Course Advisory
Boards, 1975-2014.
- Legend Award, Faculty of Business and Law, 2006.
- President, Prahran South Yarra Presbyterian Cricket Club, 1972-1976.
- Life Member, Inner South East Cricket Association, 1982.
- Vice-President, Mount Waverley Bowls Club, 2014-2019.
- Member, Course Advisory Board, Deakin University, 1977-1982.
- CPA Australia.
- Governance Institute of Australia.
- Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Awards and Recognition include:
- Australian Sports Medal, 2000.