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COVID-19 Update (March 15th)

By March 15, 2020COVID-19

Dear Members,

The Waverley Hockey Club Executive Committee met today (15th March) to review the COVID-19 pandemic and potential action plans with respect to the coming hockey season.

Our club will be monitoring the situation on a daily basis and following Hockey Australia and/or Hockey Victoria’s evolving guidelines.

At this point in time we will continue with business as usual as per their advise however Hockey Victoria will attend a Hockey Australia meeting on tomorrow Monday16th March after which we anticipate receiving updated guidelines.

We will inform our Waverley HC community on any changes of policy as soon as this information becomes available to us and you can keep updated via the link to our website – COVID-19 UPDATES

However, to mitigate potential risks associated with COVID-19, Waverley HC has now put in place the following guidelines:


Clinical symptoms

  1. Refrain from any attendance at the club and/or participation at training or in practice matches if you have any of the following symptoms:
    • Fever
    • Breathing difficulties such as breathlessness
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
    • Fatigue or tiredness
  2. If you have any of the symptoms outlined above, contact your GP for professional advice.
  3. If a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed, please immediately notify our Head of Diversity Inclusion and Welfare, Diana Hansen at
  4. If you are unable to attend training due to clinical symptoms, your selection will not be compromised and you will rejoin at the same level than before the onset of disease signs.
  5. If a COVID-19 case is detected at Waverley HC, the club will follow the guidelines, action plan and procedures as recommended by the Victorian Education Department.


  1. Self isolate for 14 days and refrain from any attendance at the club or contact with other members if you have returned from overseas travel.
  2. Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds. Hand-washing guidelines are being prepared and will be placed in the club’s bathrooms and change rooms.
  3. Hand sanitiser bottles for members’ use will be placed at key positions in the club including, bathrooms, change rooms, kitchen and dugouts.
  4. Avoid shaking hands. A stick-to-stick tap will be encouraged as a greeting alternative with opposition players.
  5. Cover your nose and mouth if you cough or sneeze.


  1. As over 55-year-old individuals have been identified as high-risk group for COVID-19, Master’s training has been cancelled at Waverley HC until further notice.
  2. All other members should be participate in hockey training in small groups, by training ONLY with their designated team. Mix-training of 2-3 teams working together is discouraged.


  1.  No sharing of equipment, including face masks, drink bottles and mouth guards, even if they have been washed.
  2. Face masks and other short corner protective gear should be stored by each individual player in their hockey bags (no communal/team bags of protective gear).

Further Information

Further information on COVID-19 can be found at:

Kind regards,

The Waverley HC Executive Committee