Volunteering is essential to Waverley’s success
The club relies heavily on volunteers to ensure its operation is smooth throughout the season. Parents are encouraged to support their children by volunteering their time to help spread the work load on match days, creating an enjoyable environment for players and supporters alike. Committee members are always available to assist if you want to know more about how you can help. Click here for contact details.
What can parents do?
Please don’t assume that all the jobs are taken care of – more hands on deck lighten the load. Being involved has great rewards, from meeting new people, through to knowing that they you have helped to run your child’s sporting event smoothly and efficiently.
It is easy to become involved and you can be involved at the level that suits you. Some roles include:
- Committee roles include: communications, co-ordinating different sections of the junior unit (working with other volunteers), registrations, special events (indoor, presentation day, summer stix, Hotshots etc)
- Age Grouping Co-ordinators (U10, U12, U14, U16/18) – see more detail below
- Roster Co-ordinators (Umpire roster, ball girl / boy roster, canteen duty roster etc)
- Team Managers – see more detail below
- Coaches – see more details below
- Helping with admin such as support to the Registrar, communications development etc..
- BBQ and canteen duties
There are many more roles that parents can do to help with the successful running of the Club, if you are unsure of what you could do to help please speak to a member of the committee or a current volunteer, smaller or short term roles include helping out with various rosters, JSC/Hotshots, presentation day etc..
Age Group Co-ordinators
Each Age Group / gender grouping will have an Age Group Co-ordinator. Year level co-ordinators liaise between the Junior Unit Age Group Co-ordinator and the Team Managers / Coaches of each “grouping” to streamline communications and provide parents with an additional focal point to their Team Manager.
Key responsibilities for Year level co-ordinators:
- Attend 2-3 Age Group Co-ordinator Committee meetings for the season (Chaired by the Age Group Co-ordinator)
- Attend training night for own grouping as often as possible
- Regularly liaise with Team Managers including circulation of Club information and answering questions
- Assist Coaches during pre season in the selection of teams including collecting feedback from parents / players regarding friendship groups which may be taken into consideration.
Team Manager
Assists in the organisation of the players in the team throughout the season, prior experience is not necessary. A willingness to help is all that is required. We encourage this role to be shared by two parents. Team Managers are supported by the Age Group Co-ordinator.
Key responsibilities Team Manager:
- Assists the coach to ensure training and match days run smoothly
- Maintain communication with parents about match day and training day details eg.. weekly email reminder of game time / location for coming week
- Maintain the scorebook and enter scores into Hockey Victoria website
- Collate the voting slips throughout the year for the best and fairest award
- Ensure first aid kit is available for training and match days
- Confirm with Umpire co-ordinator there is a team umpire for match days
- Ensure, along with the coach, that all players and parents observe player code of conduct in their behaviour at all times.
- For home games, provide match ball at beginning of match and collect at end of match
- Ensure that players are all wearing correct safety gear – e.g mouth guards and shin pads
- At end of game, Team Manager needs to get the signature of both umpires on the score sheet and ensure the correct score is recorded.
Team Coach
Each team is allocated at least one coach from the Senior playing group or an experienced parent. We aim for two coaches per team with one usually more experienced than the other to allow for development of coaches.
Key responsibilities Team Coach:
- Coaches are expected to attend and run weekly training sessions
- Coaches are expected to attend all games
- If a coach cannot attend a training session or game it is expected that the coach will arrange a competent replacement and proactively advise the Team Manager who in turn will advise the parents / players via email (where time permits)