As everyone should be aware after a late government announcement on Thursday, we’re in five days of lockdown commencing from 11:59 pm on Thursday 15th July 2021.
What does that mean for the club? In short, community sport is off at least until next Wednesday. For us it means no group training or games until Wednesday of next week. Individual training is still OK within 5km of your home however the Hedley Hull field ground and rooms will be closed for the next five days and off limits for members and community, so even if you live within 5km of HHF, inside the fence is not accessible by order of the City of Monash.
Other community sports grounds can be used within your 5km area however please check the official government guidelines for further details.
Stay safe team and hopefully we’ll be back on the pitch soon. Remember, if you need help to get through this, reach out to someone from the club – Panthers are a community of friends always willing to listen and help.