Do you think that you’re smarter than your team-mates? How about the rest of the club? At least you should have Matty Steffens covered… well, now is your chance to prove it!
The Mens’ and Womens’ Unit have combined their brain power to organise the 2015 Waverley Hockey Club Trivia Night. Get a team together for some serious Trivia, fun or a bit of both. The rules are simple:
- Teams of six to eight
- Must include both genders (we don’t need to solve which is smarter)
- Fill in the sign up sheets at the club by Thursday night
- Be there before 7pm on Saturday 16th May 2015
- $10 entry – proceeds to the club
These nights are always great fun. There are prizes for the smartest and some consolation prizes for those of us less knowledgeable souls. Matt will try some new jokes and the coin game is inevitable so load up on the $1 coins. The bar will be open and the banter will be flowing.
Looking forward to seeing you there!